Thursday, December 20, 2007

Not too much to update on, but just for Jamie ...

A few things have accomplished lately, we:

Paid Holt for our home study (This means we'll schedule our interviews soon, probably for January)

Received a letter from Citizenship and Immigration Services, acknowledging our I600A and receipt of payment.

Not any huge leaps and bounds, but we are taking baby steps here people! Baby steps...


Nicholas said...

Great blog - I'll be following along in your big adventure... And I just think you hit the mark when describing adopting siblings... If we didn't already have one bio son, we would have too, but it's too much to ask of him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that!! I love reading this stuff! It makes me happy. hee hee! keep up the writing! love ya!


Darcie said...

Congrat! It was fun to read your blog and see what is up in your life:) It is great to see that you guys are adopting not only one but maybe two wow good for you guys:) take care. Talk to you later. Darcie